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With heat and low humidity comes high fire danger for our entire region. Reporter Taylor Thacker reminds you to have a fire disaster plan…
You never know when a fire disaster will strike. Having a plan for these situations can keep you and your family safer in the time of a disaster. Here are some tips to creating a fire disaster plan. Post your local police, emergency management and firefighting agency’s telephone numbers in a visible place. Decide where you will go in the time of evacuation and how you will get there. Two escape routes out of your home and out of your neighborhood are preferable. If you have pets, plan how you will evacuate them as well. Have tools available: fire extinguisher, shovel, rake, axe, handsaw or chainsaw and a two gallon bucket. Maintain an adequate water source within 1,000 feet of your home through a community fire hydrant, nearby lake, pool, or cooperative emergency storage with neighbors. By following these safety precautions, you can keep your family ready and safe in the event of a fire. For more information call 877-221-7233.

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